The way Fill Forklift Battery

Check the gentle for battery degree about the fork lift dashboard. Once this gets to low, it's time to charge the battery.

Generate the actual fork lift to the getting region and switch off the vehicle.

Turn on the fork lift wall charger.

Discover the electric battery solar panel assisting the actual fork lift and open it up. Disconnect the wire hooking up the battery towards the forklift.

Use a battery cart or even another fork lift to find the electric battery down. Battery is simply too heavy to become raised manually, and more than one person is needed to help get the battery onto the battery trolley. Be careful not to drop battery.

Set the current from the charger to match the actual voltage of the battery. Look into the forklift guide for proper info. Doing this incorrectly can cause damage to battery.

Link the battery to the battery charger and begin filling up. There should be an automatic manage on the battery charger that halts the charger once the battery is complete.

Detach the battery from the battery charger as soon as it's full. Use a electric battery trolley or even an additional fork lift, and also a helper, to get the battery back again on the forklif
Par facetimeday le lundi 25 juillet 2011


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